Summer Opportunities

We are always looking for people with a heart to serve and a desire to build the kingdom of God. If  you would like to be Core Staff, High School Staff,  an Adult Volunteer, or a Cabin Leader at Sandy Creek Bible Camp, please fill out the application below.


Core Staff is a whole summer (10 week), paid position, for those 18-22 (typically college students who have completed 1 year out of high school). Core Staff leads activities (i.e. ropes course, horses, pool, etc), perform the chores to keep camp functioning and share Christ with campers.

High School Staff is a week to week, volunteer position for ages 14-18. High School Staff helps run activities, dining hall, and help upkeep the facilities.

Adult Volunteer is a week to week, volunteer position for those typically over 22. Adult Volunteers positions include cooks, nurses, grounds keeper, and more.

Cabin Leader & Jr. Cabin Leader is a week to week, volunteer position. They are in charge of the physical and spiritual well being of the campers. These positions are chosen by the Camp Directors for the week of camp they are running.  Cabin Leaders must be 18 and up.  Jr Cabin leaders are typically only available for our 8-12 year old camps, and are for ages 14 and up, and serve under the supervision of a Cabin Leader.

How to Apply?

Click the button below and register through our application portal. Please note the names and descriptions of the positions you would like to apply for from the list to the left.

If you need help contact Andy Bell, at

Year-round Opportunities

We desire to steward well the facilities, animals, and relationships God has blessed us with, and invite you to join us in whatever capacity you’re able. There are ample opportunities year-round to use the gifts God has given you to participate with us in the work He is doing here at Camp. 


Projects are always available around Camp. We have an ongoing list so contact us to find out our current projects or to organize a group work day with your chapel or small group!

Cleaning is a weekly need we have as we do Turnover every Monday and Tuesday. Many hands make light work, and it’s a great opportunity to participate in the day-to-day running of Camp during the rental season.

Maintenance needs vary week-to-week but are another part of keeping Camp functioning for our weekend rental groups.

Horsemanship is one way we invest into summer and our seasonal retreats by training horses and preparing them for trail rides. We have highschoolers out to the Barn weekly on Tuesday afternoons, where they experience an environment of service and fellowship as they are taught basic horsemanship and participate in a group devo each week. Additional opportunities for children or adults to spend time with our horses is available upon request.

How to Apply?

If you would like to join the Stewards crew, contact Tillie.

How can I get involved?

Sandy Creek owes all of it’s success to the favor of God and the support of the individuals who have partnered with us. Around 1000 children and youth are given the gospel and discipled at Sandy Creek Bible Camp each summer because of some very special people. It takes hundreds of volunteers to run during the summer and there are even opportunities throughout the year!

Partner With Us!

Some options below are Serving, Donating, and, most importantly, Praying!


Partner with us financially to be a part of what God is doing through Sandy Creek Bible Camp.

Want to sponsor a kid to go to camp, contribute to our next big project, or just help us keep the lights on?  In a typical year 20% of our budget depends on gracious gifts from people the Lord leads to contribute.

Prayer List

Summer Time

  • For all of the bunks to be filled with kids this summer
  • For an adequate number of cabin leaders that are willing to serve at each of the camps
  • Kids to have open hearts to hear the gospel
  • Directors, counselors, and staff to have wisdom and endurance
  • Summer camp speakers

Year Round

  • For all those who see to the daily duties of camp (Keith, Andy, Andrew, Tillie, Olivia, part time staff, program directors, volunteers, and their families)
  • Board of directors to have wisdom on how to make decisions that honor the Lord
  • Camp finances

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